The Great Online Networking Extravaganza Right in Time for the Holidays
Released on: October 28, 2008, 11:30 am
Press Release Author: Diana Ennen
Industry: Small Business
Press Release Summary: CWAHM Networking launches the Great Online Networking Extravagenza. This event features a holiday contest with spectactular prizes, interviews with over 25 authors and experts, & more.
Press Release Body: Omaha, Nebraska, (October, 2008) - This week on The CWAHM Network internet radio show, our special guest is Dan Poyntor, the legendary publishing giant. Poynter's books are what most self-publishers base their businesses on and his website continues to offer the latest and greatest tips for self-publishers and traditional publishers alike. This show also kicks off the Great Online Networking Extravaganza.
What's the Great Online Radio & Networking Extravaganza? It's your opportunity to listen to over 25 of the best business experts and best selling authors on topics ranging from how to pitch to the major media and finally land that TV Interview to surviving the economy. Many of the guests are also offering free gifts for our newest contest.
This event will launch October 28th and run through Christmas. Each week contest winners will be drawn for great prizes such as books, cosmetics and other great items. There will also be downloadable goodies every day including free ebooks, reports, tips sheets, etc. Best yet, there is still time to get involved. Donations are still being accepted for the contest as well as requests for ebooks, tips, etc. What a great opportunity to get additional exposure for your business or book during this critical holiday season. Advertising opportunities are also available.
A collection of holiday recipes and coloring book pages will add to the holiday festivities. Winning recipes (chose weekly), will get special prizes including free advertising on CWAHM and one hour of free press release submissions from Virtual Word Publishing. .
The Great Online Networking Extravaganza is brought to you by Jill Hart, founder of Christian Work at Home Moms, ( and Diana Ennen, author of Virtual Assistant the Series: Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA and President of Virtual Word Publishing, Inc., Their weekly radio show has hosted some of the best authors and entrepreneurs including Mary Goulet of, author Stan Toler and Internet Marketing Expert Scott Fox.
Hart states, "We truly enjoy helping entrepreneurs build better businesses and our radio show has been a great way to share resources and expert advice. This contest is another great way to give back and spread awareness."
Tune in October 28th at 11am EST to listen to Dan Poyntor live at Then check out the interviews and sign up for the contest for some great holiday fun and exposure at For additional details, contact Diana Ennen at or Jill Hart at
Web Site:
Contact Details: Diana Ennen P.O. Box 1771 Pompano Bech, FL 33063
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